This is a question I hear over and over again from families. How do we know when it’s time for assisted living? In this case, the answer lies in the question…if your asking if your ready you usually are.
caring.com put out a great article on signs you may be ready for assisted living. They identify specific signs that may be indicators your family is ready for placement at an assisted living facility. It is important to remember that this is a very personal decision and there is no right answer. You may only have experiences with a couple of signs or you may be familiar with many of them before you and your loved are ready for assisted living. I recommend you consult your family, trusted friends, medical professionals and senior care professionals with relevant experience.
Care Information
For the full article visit https://www.caring.com/articles/moving-out-relative-question.
Big-picture signs you might be ready for assisted living
Recent accidents or close calls.
A slow recovery.
A chronic health condition that’s worsening.
Increasing difficulty managing the activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).
Up-close signs you might be ready for assisted living
Noticeable weight loss.
Seeming more frail.
Noticeable weight gain.
Strange body odor.
Changes in appearance.
Social signs you might be ready for assisted living
Signs of active friendships.
Signs that your loved one has cut back on activities and interests.
Days spent without leaving the house.
Someone who checks in on a regular basis.
A plan for a worst-case scenario.
Money signs you might be ready for assisted living
Snowdrifts of mail in various places.
Unopened personal mail.
Unopened bills.
Letters from banks, creditors, or insurers.
Thank-you messages from charities.
Lots of crisp, unread magazines.
Driving signs you might be ready for assisted living
Nicks or dents on the car.
Whether the person promptly fastens his or her seatbelt.
Tension, preoccupation, or being easily distracted.
Signs of dangerous driving.
Warning lights.
Kitchen signs you might be ready for assisted living
Stale or expired foods.
Multiples of the same item.
A freezer full of TV dinners.
Broken appliances.
Signs of fire.
Increased use of takeout or simpler cooking.
Around-the-house signs you might be ready for assisted living
Lots of clutter.
Signs of lax housekeeping.
Bathroom grime and clutter.
Pet and plant care signs you might be ready for assisted living
Plants that are dying, dead, or just gone.
Animals that don’t seem well tended.
Home-maintenance signs you might be ready for assisted living
Signs of neglect.
Newspapers in the bushes.
Mail piled up in the mailbox.
Get help looking for signs you might be ready for assisted living
Input from those in your loved one’s circle.
Medical insight.
A second opinion.
Caregivers’ signs you might be ready for assisted living
How you’re doing.
Your loved one’s emotional state.