Shockingly 29% of Americans share the title of Caregiver. As a caregiver one will experience an array of emotions, challenges, rewards, sacrifices and losses. Caregivers are amazing and selfless in almost all they do and this unfortunately leads to the stresses and exhaustion they all to often face. Finding caregiver support and resources is essential to ensure the wellbeing of the caregiver as well as the person being cared for.
This morning Kathie Lee Gifford announced Peter Rosenberger’s new book “Hope for the Caregiver” as her Favorite Thing. The book is set to be released on September 16, 2014 and as of today, the amazon customer reviews give it 5 out of 5 stars.
Per the Amazon exert, his new book offers a wealth of insights into the challenging issues faced by millions caring for loved ones—but he also expresses an unmatched empathy for the deep heartache that causes even the strongest to falter.