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Alzheimer's | Caregiver Support | Resources

How an Alzheimer’s Caregiver can Survive the Holidays

The holidays are suppose to be joyous and fun but as a caregiver the holidays can prove to be very stressful and overwhelming. When caring for a loved one suffering ...
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Caregiver Support | Florida | Merritt Island | Resources

Mesothelioma Resources for Seniors

What is mesothelioma? A diagnosis of mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive cancer, comes with considerable uncertainty. Most doctors — and even many oncologists — do not see it enough to ...
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Alzheimer's | Caregiver Support | Senior Healthcare Education

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care – Safety at Home

This is a great article on how to make a home safe for someone with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. People with Alzheimer’s can live in their homes, as long as safety ...
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Alzheimer's | Caregiver Support | Senior Healthcare Education

Senior Care Issue: Staying Hydrated is Vital

Dehydration is a very real senior care issue. Aging makes people less aware of thirst and gradually lowers the body’s ability to regulate fluid balance. This is because there is ...
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Assisted Living | Florida | Merritt Island

La Casa Assisted Living grows in more than one way

30-Foot Live Oak Tree Planting on Merritt Island – Arbor Day, April 24th Merritt Island, FL (April 24, 2015) – Arbor Day is all about planting and caring for trees ...
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Alzheimer's | Caregiver Support | Merritt Island | Sundowning

Sundowning is common with Alzheimer’s. What is Sundowning?

The Alzheimer’s Association has a great article that describes what Sundowning is but more importantly some of the causes and coping strategies. People with Alzheimer’s and dementia may have problems ...
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Caregiver Support | Sandwich Generation | Senior Healthcare Education

Preparing the Sandwich Generation

No, we aren’t talking about Peanut Butter and Jelly lovers! We’re actually talking about caregiving…taking care of a parent 65 or older while you still care for a minor or ...
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Alzheimer's | Alzheimer's Virtual Tour | Caregiver Support

Alzheimer’s Virtual Tour Experience

There are several organizations in Brevard County that offer similar Alzheimer’s Virtual Tour demonstrations to the one ABC News post below. I have participated in an Alzheimer’s virtual tour and ...
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Alzheimer's | Assisted Living | Florida | Merritt Island

Are you ready for Assisted Living?

This is a question I hear over and over again from families. How do we know when it’s time for assisted living? In this case, the answer lies in the ...
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Caregiver Support

Caregiver Bill Of Rights

This is a great mantra for caregivers and provides guidance to ensure caregivers not neglect themselves as this is vital to being the best caregiver one can be. Adapted from ...
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Alzheimer's | Caregiver Support | Senior Healthcare Education

Caregiver Stress can be Hazardous to your Health

According to the Mayo Clinic the following are signs of Caregiver Stress: Feeling tired most of the time Feeling overwhelmed and irritable Sleeping too much or too little Gaining or ...
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Alzheimer's | Caregiver Support | Senior Healthcare Education

What is a Geriatrician? And why should all seniors have one.

All seniors should have a Geriatrician whether they have Alzheimer’s or not. I often explain the need of a Geriatrician to caregivers and seniors with this anecdote… If you had ...
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Caregiver Support | Senior Healthcare Education

Caregiver Support: “Hope for the Caregiver” made Kathie Lee Gifford’s “Favorite Things”

Shockingly 29% of Americans share the title of Caregiver. As a caregiver one will experience an array of emotions, challenges, rewards, sacrifices and losses. Caregivers are amazing and selfless in ...
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